task 9

FINDING THE MAIN IDEA: placing the main idea

 Hello again,

How are you doing? I hope you are going ahead with this reading strategy: Finding the main idea! Today we are reading about a subskill: how to know the place where the main idea is located. For this purpose, please go to this link, vclass.mtsac.edu/amla-51/Main%20Idea/Mainidea.htm

1. Read this page attentively and when you finish,
2. Get 2 news of your choice.Look for a newspaper in English!(e.g. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk/. ) It may be news you’ve already read or would like to read. Choose a paragraph of each of them and then find the main idea of the paragraphs. Next, copy the paragraphs on your blog. Then, identify the main idea by underlining it or highlighting it. Finally, make an illustration of the main ideas to share.
3. Send your task to one of your classmates
4.  Write your own paragraph about a topic that interests you and illustrate it. Write at least four supporting deatails. Use a power point presentation. Be creative and have fun!

No animal left behind, especially at the Gimme Animal Shelter

You may think taking care of these animals is hard, unsatisfying dirty work, however; each animal has their own unique personality that makes taking care of them fun. Take Otis, for example, who Michelle describes as “the heart and soul” of the team. He is compared to the dedicated, optimistic Babe Ruth. Then there is Lulu, a gorgeous black lab/neufie mix, who is as mushy on the inside as melted butter (though you would never think so due to her rough and tough exterior). Then there is Breaker, who is described by one of the rescuers as, “completely gorgeous…huge…and like a big goof ball…Typical gorgeous man who doesn’t get just how gorgeous he is…I call him the Matthew McConaughey of the family.” Clearly, these characters make working with them fun and entertaining. To own one of these creatures would be like adopting a new, euphonious personality in your family!

Batman Could Fly, but He'd Crash and Die (12th July, 2012)

Scientists have finally answered one of life's mysteries – whether Batman can really fly. Researchers from Leicester University in the U.K. conducted tests on the type of cape Batman wears as he flies around Gotham City watching for mischief and criminals. They concluded that he would be able to glide pretty well, but would crash at high speed and die once he tried to land. The researchers say this is because the wingspan of his cape is too short to allow him to land smoothly. Researcher and superhero addict David Marshall said: "If Batman wanted to survive the flight, he would definitely need a bigger cape. Or if he preferred to keep his style intact he could opt for…jets to keep himself aloft."

Drug addiction in my neighborhood

now in my neighborhood are seeing much the consumption and sale of drugs.these can affect people that they influence their personality to such an extent that they even kill some people steal,
people in the neighborhood have a minimum disregard for these things and not complain because no overtones give the authorities,
these people selling these drugs to people knowing you can damage them but that they do not matter to them that is only interested in the money

therefore, it has been community awareness to the consumer and go dismunuir said future generations helping

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